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By Concept Biler

BMW iX3 Charged M-Sport 5d

BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 1
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 2
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 3
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 4
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 5
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 6
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 7
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 8
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 9
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 10
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 11
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 12
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 13
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 14
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 15
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 16
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 17
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 18
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 19
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 20
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 21
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 22
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 1
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 2
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 3
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 4
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 5
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 6
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 7
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 8
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 9
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 10
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 11
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 12
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 13
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 14
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 15
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 16
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 17
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 18
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 19
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 20
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 21
BMW iX3  Charged M-Sport 5d - 22
439.800 kr.
  • Kilometer
    27.000 km
  • Årgang
  • Brændstoftype


  • Type
  • Model
  • Årgang
  • 0 - 100 km/t
    6,8 sek
  • Tophastighed
    180 km/t


  • Trækhjul
  • Gearkasse
  • Antal Gear
  • MotorEffekt (HK)
    286 hk
  • Cylindre


  • Airbag
  • ABS Bremser

Karrosseri og mål

  • Bredde
    189 cm
  • Længde
    473 cm
  • Højde
    167 cm
  • Karrosseri
    SUV Aut.
  • Antal døre


  • Vægt
    2.260 kg
  • Lasteevne
    465 kg
  • Max. påhæng m/bremser
    750 kg


  • Emissionsklasse
    Euro 6
  • Km/l
  • Ejerafgift/vægtafgift - halvårlig
    420 kr. / halvårligt


1. BMW IX3 M-Sport Charged i Kaschmir Silver Metallic
2. Panorama soltag
3. Driving Assist Proffesionel
4. El-svingbart træk
5. El-sæder med memory
6. BMW Service Inclusive – 3 years / 200,000 km – til juli 2026
7. DK bil fra ny

Ekstraudstyr ab fabrik:
01VA BMW lt-alloy wheel aerodynamic 842 JB
0223 Adaptive suspension
0248 Steering wheel heater
0302 Alarm system
03AC Trailer coupling
03MC Indiv.roofrailing,mirror-fin.Shadow Line
0430 Interior/outside mirror with auto dip
0481 Sports seat
0494 Seat heating driver/passenger
04LU black high-gloss accent chrm. Perlglanz
04U9 Acoustic pedestrian protection
04UR Ambient interior light
0534 Automatic air conditioning
0552 Adaptive LED headlight
05AC High-beam assistant
05AL Active Protection
05AU Driving assistant professional
05AV Active Guard
05DA Passenger airbag deactivation
05DM Parking assistance system
0654 DAB tuner
06AK Connected Drive Services
06C3 Connected Package Professional
06NW Telephony with wireless charging
06U3 BMW Live operating area Professional
06WD WLAN Hotspot
0710 M Leather steering wheel
0715 M Aerodynamics package
0760 High gloss shadow line
0775 Headlining anthracite
07M9 Individual option high-gloss Shadow-Line